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Saturday, January 29, 2011

The World is..... Going.

So my diet did work I am down to 122. A little short, but about two days ago I went out with my friends and caved, finished a whole large popcorn and a large slushi. By myself. I proceeded to eat like 5 candy bars and a bowl of icecream and a spot of, well, let's say I woke up with some chocolate in my clevage and a few bugs around me trying to eat my candy. I took like 20 showers and now my room smells like that bug killer stuff you aren't supposed to spray inside... I messed that up... pft. So no more dieting for me, although I would still recommend that to anyone with a little self control. I'll keep you updated oxoxoxox

Saturday, January 22, 2011

So Here's to the Beginning

So this is my first post on this blog, so here's to this beginning. So I plan to be super open here, I hope my life experience can help you guys and maybe you guys can try some of these things or, you know whatever you want to do. So I'm gonna jump right in here. I need to drop 15 pounds by spring break because you know, Miami beach, and I work out plenty. So I'm started a diet about a week ago, but so far it's one of those farting sounds. I've actually gained a pound. So I've read up on the topic, because it obviously isn't as easy as I thought it was, you know, pop a broccoli every few days, lose 10 in a week, bada bing bada boom? Nope. It's gonna take me atleast 6 weeks on like... the biggest diet possible. And that diet, of course I found right here. Click that to see a video that has helped me a lot. I've been on it about 3 days and already I've lost 3 pounds, but I do have the aid of exercise. I have made a few of my own tweaks, though, because right away I did notice that it wouldn't quite be the healthiest way of life. So I am having chicken and vegetables for my actual meals. I've had scrambled eggs and chicken plus V8 for breakfast. I've had mostly just chicken salads and vitamin water for lunch. And I had just a salad with super extra tomatoes last dinner, but I cheated a bit with some Italian dressing. That's some carby stuff. So I got very hungry after running 3 miles and only a salad to help me out. So I ate some sushi. And I actually am putting half a serving of all the food groups into my diet, and I've added watered down tuna melts with a quarter piece of cheese. And that's my weight loss method! I will let you know in 4 weeks if it works out. I would recommend it to maybe middle schoolers who are busy, but most of my friends don't really have any sports going on. I have club volleyball, but that's about it. I go to the gym every day, though, I run on the tredmills, I do situps, I'm like a fitness finatic, I just don't really look out for my weight, you know? But I was weighed in about 3 weeks ago and I was 134 pounds. I was 112 just a year ago. So this needs to change, obviously. I'm on my way, I hope. I'm not stopping until I get to 120. Hopefully I wasn't too rambly... I'll keep you updated!xoxoxo