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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Baby Bird On The Way!

So, I'm back. Sorry about my absense, though I know no one really missed me, awww shut up I get the hint. Anyway, I think this will take of eventually. Maybe. Anywho, I want to share with you all that I've found like 4 baby robin eggs, my friend and I. Two survived and hatched, and we set them free yesterday. Basically we killed one by accident, and the other was dead when we found it. 2 were siblings (the ones that lived), and 2 were not siblings. We found the dead ones on the ground, and the other two were in a nest under the porch. We were laying out in the sun, and her dog went under the porch, and came back out with a mama bird! So we went to look and see if she had babies. When we found them, they were 5 days along. We researched to see how we could make them live. So, what we found out was a robin egg hatches in 12 to 14 days. It can only live a few hours with no heat. It basically needs to be kept at around 100 degrees farenheit, and it needs to be flipped over about 3 times a day. If it doesn't get flipped, it fries, which we found out with one of them  when it was forgotten. So when they arrived 8 days after we found them, we fed them little cut up pieces of worms and wet cheerios and mushed up bits of spaghetti and such. You put it in their mouth, and they'll eat it, but you just drop it in their mouth, not stick it in their. Anyway, after a few days we started taking them outside, and they would jump up and try to fly. After about 2 weeks, Chippers (the 2nd to hatch) flew away and didn't come back. 4 days later, Scalps (1st to hatch) flew away. That was yesterday. I miss you babies =)